Go Green

4.4 vehicles makes noise and air pollutions, and all these pollutions can put the wild life in danger and according to that, the human’s life will be in danger as well.

The animals will afraid  of strange noise and feel unsafe and they prefer not to have more children or prefer to move from the area and the new places for them in some cases is not the right place where they have moved and if they can not adapt to it, they can not survive! And it is more painful when it happens for the endemic species!

Many animal species, including cats, avoid mating in unsafe conditions.

Another type of pollution is the air pollution and 4.4 cars need at least 15 Litters per 100 km in normal roads and 20 liters per 100 km in off roads! 

The 4.4 vehicles make pollution not only by their smokes but also they can move the underlay of sands and salts in the desert which are harder than the upper layer and they will be picked up easily by each wind and to be released in the air and going to the villages next to the dry desert and make the life of the locals harder.

  • Motahari,11 Isar street , Khabarnegar apartment,Kerman,Iran
  • +98 913 297 78 39
  • +98 936 673 66 57
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